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Commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the D Day Landings at Sparrows Nest

12 June 2019

Thank you to everyone who joined us in Sparrows Nest on Thursday 6 June to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the D Day Landings.

The event was opened by the Town Mayor, Cllr Alice Taylor, and there was singing and dancing aplenty as the crowd enjoyed a set of live music from the era courtesy of the Super Swing Big Band.

Lowestoft Town Council events are advertised on its website and Facebook pages, via its noticeboards around the town and at the venue itself, and in its weekly column in the Community News pages of the Lowestoft Journal, so do keep a look out for future events!

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Read more on Commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the D Day Landings at Sparrows Nest

2019 Election Results

4 May 2019

The Councillors elected in the May 2019 elections are as follows:


Gunton - Sue Barnard

St Margarets East - Colin Butler and David Youngman

St Margarets West (uncontested) - Peter Collecott

Harbour and Normanston - Steve Ardley, Tara Carlton, Tracey Eastwood, Peter Knight, Keith Patience and Andy Pearce

Kirkley - Amanda Frost, Jacqueline Hardie and Alice Taylor

Pakefield (uncontested) - Robert Breakspear, Alan Green and John Pitts

Elmtree (uncontested) - Peter Lang and Nick Webb

Tom Crisp (uncontested) - Graham Parker


The full results of the contested seats are:

Ward Candidate Votes
Gunton Sue Barnard 634 (E)
Gunton Crispin Hook 327 
St Margarets East Colin Butler 646 (E)
St Margarets East Jen Jones 454 
 St Margarets East David Youngman 517 (E) 
Harbour and Normanston Steve Ardley 1153 (E)
Harbour and Normanston Tara Carlton 1163 (E)
Harbour and Normanston Neil Coleby 1034 
Harbour and Normanston Tracey Eastwood 1206 (E)
Harbour and Normanston Ian Graham 1024 
Harbour and Normanston Peter Knight 1110 (E)
Harbour and Normanston Keith Patience  1208 (E)
Harbour and Normanston Andy Pearce  1108 (E) 
Kirkley Amanda Frost  819 (E)
Kirkley Peter Hadden  157 
Kirkley Jacqueline Hardie  478 (E)
Kirkley Mark Moran  252 
Kirkley Clare Stachan  440 
Kirkley Alex Taylor 392 
Kirkley Alice Taylor 561 (E)

Read more on 2019 Election Results

Co-option Process for One Councillor Vacancy, Representing the Elmtree Ward

26 April 2019

co opt

Details of how you can be considered to fill the Councillor vacancy, representing the Elmtree ward.

Read more on Co-option Process for One Councillor Vacancy, Representing the Elmtree Ward