The meeting agenda can be found here. Updates of this meeting will be shared on our website or contact office for confirmation.
The Town Council remains committed to serving its community and providing facilities such as our parks and open spaces, planting new trees in these spaces and casting a light on the existing trees, and engaging the community to help us protect nature in a challenging climate.
The theme of this year’s Earth Day is “Restore our Earth”, reducing our environmental footprint and fixing the damage already done. The World Wildlife Federation (WWF) has constructed a questionnaire to help you estimate your carbon footprint, offering advice, and a goal scheme for you to achieve, and reducing your carbon footprint.
Earlier this year, a Town Hall Survey was conducted with the aim to gather the views of local people (and beyond) on the Town Hall’s future use, and to gauge their interest and participation in heritage. The consultation was part of a project commissioned by Lowestoft Town Council, working in partnership with East Suffolk Council and Historic England, and funded by a grant from the Architectural Heritage Fund. The output from the survey will be used by MossKing to develop the business plan for the Town Hall. The recent survey received 999 responses, both online and on paper, 955 online and 44 on paper. 88% of respondents completed the entire survey. In addition to responding to fixed questions, a further 1,069 free format comments were given.
The completion of the survey demonstrates the level of interest and engagement in the project. From the data gathered, there are some clear messages about the future uses of the Town Hall that residents in particular would like to see. However, there are also important differences across the population, from young to old, those who are disabled or not, those living in relatively low income, and so on that will need to be incorporated as the Town Hall and its facilities are developed, so that maximum benefit can be delivered across the community.
The Lowestoft Town Hall Project survey findings are available to view now.
Read more on Lowestoft Town Hall Project Public Consultation – Survey Findings
The Mayors of two coastal communities have exchanged messages of empathy and commemoration to mark the 80th anniversary of wartime bombing raids, which destroyed historic churches in Plymouth and Lowestoft. The exchange of messages between Cllr Chris Mavin, Lord Mayor of Plymouth and Cllr Alan Green, Mayor of Lowestoft was encouraged by local aviation expert, Bob Collis.
The Mayor of Lowestoft, noted, “May our mutual losses never be experienced again and the people of both Lowestoft and Plymouth continue to enjoy the freedom our service men and women fought so hard to achieve for us.”
To mark this historical event, Bob Collis will be presenting his talk 'The Night the Church went up' (Pakefield) The Story of the night of 21st April 1941, on the 80th Anniversary today, 21 April 2021, at 7:30pm. This talk will be available to view on Lowestoft Archaeological and Local History Society Facebook Page.
Today, Friday 16 April, Mayor of Lowestoft, Cllr Alan Green, will be attending the Suffolk Service of Commemoration for Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh at St Edmundsbury Cathedral. The service, taking place at 3.30pm, will be livestreamed at
The funeral takes place on Saturday 17 April and a national, one-minute silence will be observed at 3pm. Information about the ceremonial details of His Royal Highness’s forthcoming funeral.
Message Cascaders latest Covid-19 vaccine, testing and care infographic. Latest advice and guidance available.
Read more on Message Cascaders Covid-19 Vaccine, Testing and Care Infographic
Suffolk Wildlife Trust has an exciting opportunity to reach out to and recruit 12 young people, between the ages 11 – 24, to form their new Youth Board. This board will help safeguard wildlife’s future, empower young people to make a difference and be involved in important decision-making and governance. The recruitment pack, further information and the application form is available on the Suffolk Wildlife Trusts website.
Read more on Suffolk Wildlife Trust - Join their Youth Board
Lowestoft Museum has been presented with an exciting opportunity to expand into a vacant area within Broad House. This new space could be used to host family activities, talks and/or craft classes, as well as accommodate education/community groups and temporary exhibitions. There might also be an opportunity to refresh the museum's Lowestoft Porcelain gallery and tell the local and national story of this significant collection.
The museum are keen to hear your thoughts on how you, your family and friends might use the museum in the future. The survey will take around five minutes to complete and is anonymous. Thank you for your support. Lowestoft Museum Community Learning Space Development
You can now report crimes through the Suffolk Police website by using their online forms, these forms branching across all types of possible crimes and incidents throughout the community. Anonymous reporting is also available on the webpage through Suffolk Crimestoppers, giving information online or by the phone without any personal details being asked for.
Message Cascaders Rule Changes from 12 April 2021. Coronavirus restrictions remain in place for your safety. Find out what you can and cannot do.