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Town Hall Project

The Lowestoft Town Hall is a Grade II listed landmark and the most prominent building on the High Street, located in North Lowestoft. Key retained features include the Council Chamber with its stunning stained-glass windows which are of exquisite design.

The building has been unoccupied since 2015 and was transferred to Lowestoft Town Council when it was formed in 2017.  A new project is underway to transform the building into a multi-functional and inclusive centre for the community and visitors.

Project Timeline:

May 2021:

Lowestoft Town Council's project team, led by MossKing Associates, submitted a successful first stage funding application to the National Lottery Heritage Fund

May 2022:

The design team is appointed - HAT Projects, Richard Griffiths Architects, Momentum (structural engineering), Max Fordham (building services engineers)

May 2023:

We will submit second stage bid to National Lottery Heritage Fund and apply for planning permission

September 2023:

Lowestoft Town Council receives funding award from National Lottery Heritage Fund.

November 2023:

Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent approved by East Suffolk Council Planning Committee North

(if funded) delivery stage begins

October 2024:

Main contractor starts building work


Town Hall reopens

Lowestoft Town Council has been awarded a delivery grant from The National Lottery Heritage Fund to progress its plans to the delivery stage, which was heavily influenced by public consultation in 2021.  This comes on the back of £2million from the Towns Fund earmarked for this prominent landmark, located within the Heritage Quarter.

The Lowestoft Town Hall Project is a Lowestoft Town Council initiative supported National Lottery Players via the National Lottery Heritage Fund.  Funding support is also provided by Historic England, The Architectural Heritage Fund, Towns Fund, and East Suffolk Council.

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