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Viewing entries posted in June 2021

Statement of Persons Nominated, Notice of Poll and Situation of Polling Station - Elmtree Ward

11 June 2021

Following the close of nominations today at 4pm, a by-election for Lowestoft Elmtree Ward will be contested on Thursday 8 July 2021. Statement of Persons Nominated, Notice of Poll and Situation of Polling Station, the notice has also been published on the East Suffolk Council website here.


Read more on Statement of Persons Nominated, Notice of Poll and Situation of Polling Station - Elmtree Ward

Lowestoft Fiver Fest - 12 June to 26 June 2021

11 June 2021

Fiver Fest is a UK wide initiative devised by Totally Locally, the UK’s biggest grass-roots High-Street campaign, giving the opportunity for independent businesses to promote great offers and showing the huge impact of spending just £5 per week in local independent shops can have.

From tomorrow, Saturday 12 June until Saturday 26 June 2021, 47 local businesses and establishments across town will be participating in Lowestoft’s Fiver Fest. For updates and the full list of local trades involved in this year’s Fiver Fest, @TotallyLocallyLowestoft or on Bimble.


Read more on Lowestoft Fiver Fest - 12 June to 26 June 2021

HRH the Duke of Edinburgh’s 100th Birthday

10 June 2021

When the late Duke of Edinburgh passed away in April, the Mayor of Lowestoft, Cllr Alan Green, wrote a letter of condolence on behalf of the town of Lowestoft to the Duke’s private secretary.

To mark what would have been the late HRH the Duke of Edinburgh’s 100th birthday, today, Thursday 10 June, a copy of the letter received in response from Buckingham Palace is shared here with you.


Read more on HRH the Duke of Edinburgh’s 100th Birthday

'Hands, Face, Space' - Covid-19 Government Message

8 June 2021

The current Government messaging is 'Hands, Face, Space', while the vaccine is being rolled out across the nation it is crucial to follow these guidelines and continue to keep our community safe.

Hands - Wash your hands regularly and for 20 seconds. 

Face - Wear a face covering in indoor settings where social distancing may be difficult, and where you will come into contact with people you do not normally meet.

Space - Stay 2 metres apart from people you do not live with where possible, or 1 metre with extra precautions in place (such as wearing face coverings or increasing ventilation indoors).

Fresh Air - Meet in the fresh air to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

2021.03.30 HFSFA Facebook

Read more on 'Hands, Face, Space' - Covid-19 Government Message

Biker Down Awareness Training Course

7 June 2021

Biker Down is a free awareness-raising course for bikers in case of an incident of a fellow biker. Created by Kent Fire and Rescue Service, the course consists of three valuable modules:

  • Incident scene management – A presentation about on-scene management and personal safety for bikers discovering a crash involving a fellow biker.
  • Casualty care – Instructors from the FireBike team with motorcycle first aid specific expertise cover trauma and mechanism of injury, including snatch rescues, basic life support, crash helmet removal and more.
  • The science of being seen – Instruction and advice from the FireBike team on being visible. As well as discussing motion camouflage and looming, including tips on what you can do to be seen.

This course is offered to all bikers, of all standards and experience.

For updates on online courses, please check Facebook @bikerdownsuffolk or please email fire.businesssupport@suffolk.gov.uk or call 01473 260588 if you have any questions.

Biker Down Banner

Read more on Biker Down Awareness Training Course

Notice of Election Elmtree Ward - 8 July 2021

3 June 2021

The notice of election for the Elmtree by-election will take place on Thursday 8 July 2021. 

1. An election is to be held for Councillors for the following Parishes;

2. The number of Councillors to be elected for each Parish is;

Lowestoft Elmtree (1)

Nacton (1)

Oulton Broad North (1)

3. Forms of nomination may be obtained, during normal office hours, from the Returning Officer at the addresses shown below.

4. Completed nomination papers must be delivered to the Returning Officer at the addresses shown below, on any day after the date of this notice, during normal office hours but not later than 4pm on Friday 11 June 2021.

5. If the election is contested the poll will take place on Thursday 8 July 2021, between the hours of 7am and 10pm.

6. Applications to register to vote must reach the Electoral Registration Officer by midnight on Tuesday 22 June 2021.

7. Applications, amendments or cancellations of postal and postal proxy votes must reach the Electoral Registration Officer by 5pm on Wednesday 23 June 2021.

8. Applications to vote by proxy at this election must reach the Electoral Registration Officer by 5pm on Wednesday 30 June 2021.

9. Applications to vote by emergency proxy at this election must reach the Electoral Registration Officer by 5pm on Thursday 8 July 2021.


Electoral Registration Officer & Returning Officer Addresses

Electoral Services, East Suffolk Council, Riverside 4 Canning Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0EQ

Electoral Services, East Suffolk Council, East Suffolk House, Riduna Park Station Road, Melton, Woodbridge, IP12 1RT



Notice of Election - Election of Parish Councillors PDF 

Read more on Notice of Election Elmtree Ward - 8 July 2021

Internal Audit and Notice of Public Rights and Publication 2021

2 June 2021

Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance & Accountability Return. Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2021. Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 Sections 26 and 27. The Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 (SI 2015/234).

1. Date of announcement 2nd June 2021 (a)

2. Each year the smaller authority’s Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) needs to be reviewed by an external auditor appointed by Smaller Authorities’ Audit Appointments Ltd. The unaudited AGAR has been published with this notice. As it has yet be reviewed by the appointed auditor, it is subjected to change as a result of that review.

Any person interested has the right to inspect and make copies of the accounting records for the financial year to which the audit relates and all books, deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers, receipts and other documents relating to those records must be made available for inspection by any person interested. For the year ended 31 March 2021, these documents will be available on reasonable notice by application to:

(b) Shona Bendix, Town Clerk, Lowestoft Town Council, Hamilton House, Battery Green Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk, NR32 1DE, 0330 053 6019, admin@lowestofttowncouncil.gov.uk

Commencing on (c) Monday 14 June 2021

And ending on (d) Friday 23 July 2021

3. Local government electors and their representatives also have:

The opportunity to question the appointed auditor about the accounting records; and

The right to make an objection which concerns a matter in respect of which the appointed auditor could either make a public interest report or apply to the court for a declaration that an item of account is unlawful. Written notice of an objection must first be given to the auditor and a copy sent to the smaller authority.

The appointed auditor can be contacted at the address in paragraph 4 below for this purpose between the above dates only.

4. The smaller authority’s AGAR is subject to review by the appointed auditor under the provisions of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014, the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 and the NAO’s Code of Audit Practice 2015. The appointed auditor is:

PKF Littlejohn LLP (Ref: SBA Team)

15 Westferry Circus

Canary Wharf


E14 4HD


5. This announcement is made by Shona Bendix, Town Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer


>The Annual Finance Papers Internal Audit 2021< 

>The Annual Finance Papers Audit Public Rights Notice 2021<

Read more on Internal Audit and Notice of Public Rights and Publication 2021

Volunteers' Week 2021

1 June 2021

#VolunteersWeek is an annual opportunity to recognise and thank volunteers. During an exceptionally difficult year, people from all walks of life in Lowestoft have taken the time to volunteer and made a huge difference to our communities, parks and open spaces, vaccination centres and countless more.

Volunteers Week

Read more on Volunteers Week 2021