A six-week public consultation on Lowestoft’s Neighbourhood Development Plan is being launched today.
The consultation, which will be open until Tuesday 7th March, is asking members of the public to submit comments on the wide range of policies that have been created to form the plan. These policies have been strongly influenced by an initial consultation by the Town Council to find out what the people of Lowestoft think is good and bad about Lowestoft.
Alongside the documents being available on the Town Council’s website, two in-person drop-in opportunities to view and comment on the plan have been organised as the Town Council seeks to hear from a wide range of people. The sessions will take place on Tuesday 7th February, 4pm-6:30pm and Tuesday 21st February, 10am-12noon at Hamilton House, Battery Green Road, Lowestoft, NR32 1DE.
Neighbourhood Development Plans are a powerful tool which are back and informed by local debate and support. The plan aims to shape the future development and growth of Lowestoft by making a direct contribution to the planning decision-making process whilst also striving to protect our unique heritage and green spaces.
This public consultation, known as the Regulation 14 Consultation, is part of the process of developing the plan before it comes forward for a public referendum. Residents are encouraged to read the plan and submit any comments on the proposed policies into the Town Council by the 7th March 2023. The comment submission form is available to download from the Town Council website, with hard copies available at the drop-in sessions.
If you require a hard copy of the plan and submission form, please contact the Town Council offices by calling 0330 053 6019 or by writing to the Town Council at Lowestoft Neighbourhood Development Plan (LNDP), c/o Lowestoft Town Council, Hamilton House, Battery Green Road, Lowestoft, NR32 1DE.
Neighbourhood Development Plan | Feedback Form