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Memorial Plaque for David Parr unveiled in Belle Vue Park

6 June 2022

Lowestoft Town Council were honoured to work with the Parr family to commission and unveil a memorial plaque in memory of the late Private David Parr.

The commemoration, which took place on Thursday 2nd June in Belle Vue Park, was attended by the family of David Parr, Cllr Alan Green (Mayor of Lowestoft), Peter Aldous (MP for Waveney), Lieutenant General Jonathan Page CB OBE (late PARA and County President of the Norfolk Royal British Legion), Phillip Turner (Chairman for Royal British Legion, Lowestoft Branch), Standard Bearers and veteran service personnel. Ormiston Denes Academy, the school which David Parr attended, was also represented by Kate Williams (current Principal), their Head Boy, pupils and former members of staff who remembered David Parr as a student.

In his moving tribute to David Parr, Lieutenant General Jonathan Page gave a gripping account of the Paratrooper Battalion’s deployment from their barracks in Aldershot by helicopter to join the vital battle on Wireless Ridge above Port Stanley – where David Parr was tragically killed by friendly fire on the final day of fighting.

Lowestoft Town Council would like to thank everyone who contributed to the commemoration, with special thanks to LaserUs engraving and Perfitts for their work on the memorial plaque, and Gemma Eglington for playing the Bugle.


Photo Credit: Richard Girling

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Read more on Memorial Plaque for David Parr unveiled in Belle Vue Park

Kensington Gardens Bowls Club fixtures in June

1 June 2022

Kensington Gardens Bowls Club are inviting you to their home games throughout June. There are even opportunities to enjoy taking part in some informal games, free of charge!

Come along and enjoy an afternoon or evening in Kensington Gardens to watch the bowls and enjoy the excellent Cafe.


Benacre League - Mondays starting 6.45pm

13th June v's Beccles Town B

27th June v's Waveney


Lowestoft & District League - Tuesdays starting 6.45pm

7th June v's Sparrows Nest


B. E. Men's Triples League - Wednesdays starting 6.30pm

22nd June v's Kessingland


Sunshine League - Thursdays starting 2pm

9th June v's Lowestoft Railway Gold

16th June v's Mettingham

30th June v's Sparrows Nest Hawks


Come along & enjoy an afternoon or evening in Kensington Gardens, watching the bowls.

Kensington Garden Bowls Club invites all bowlers of any age, to come along on Wednesday evenings at 6.30pm or Sunday mornings at 10am for our informal games, free of charge.

For any further information contact Peter Browne, e-mail peter.browne7@outlook.com, answer phone 01493 303158

Read more on Kensington Gardens Bowls Club fixtures in June

Invitation to Tender: Redevelopment of the Marina Theatre, Lowestoft

1 June 2022

The Marina Theatre Trust is seeking to appoint a suitably qualified and experienced team to lead on the next stage of determining the scope of the redevelopment of the Marina Theatre, Lowestoft to RIBA 3.  The team will work with the leadership to capitalise on the opportunities that will arise from this significant period of change to create a modernised venue at the heart of the town’s new cultural quarter.

To receive the Trust’s Invitation to Tender documentation, contact John Nicholls via johnnicholls@marinatheatre.co.uk

Contract Value: £100,000

Deadline for receipt of completed bids: 1st July 2022

Marina Theatre Tender

Read more on Invitation to Tender: Redevelopment of the Marina Theatre, Lowestoft